Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where to begin

Today was another day, full of life lessons, bike grease, and girls.

Bikes are a lot like girls - you always want a nice one, but you don't have $3,000. So you can't have it. Its hard to see people dating girls that you like or riding bikes that you want yourself, but this is a part of life. I see all these high-end bikes and all these guys riding them and I think, "Well, I can ride just as good if not better than that guy, why does he get the nice bike?" What does he have that I don't? Why don't I have high-end bike? Like girls, most of the problems we face as cyclists on budgets really puts us behind the curve in the dating game. We have to ride to dates, smell once we get there, and ride home afterwards (who wants to invite a smelly, sweaty biker over after dinner and a movie? Didn't think so).

 Sometimes literally having all the money helps a lot and most of the time it wins over pure love-or getting that 6.9 Madone just because daddy said you could borrow his Visa. Lets say maybe you don't want as expensive of a bike as a $3,000. Most likely taken by someone else, if you catch my drift. If there is one thing to learn from the short anecdote its this: Focus on the bike that you do have (or don't have) and just keep pedaling. Your bound to find a good deal one of these days.


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