Tuesday, March 22, 2011

$0.00g... If You Want

Gas prices are invariable rising and they won't stop for some time to come. I see more and more people becoming interested in bikes, and even purchasing them more often then not. Even people who don't go out and get a new, probably have one in the garage or storage collecting dust. Now, what if everyone who had a bike, rode them on a designated day during the some for things like: commuting to work, going to the grocery store, to a friends, or whatever utility purpose that a bicycle can accommodate? It would be an in prompt to strike on gas prices and gas stations alike. Ideally, in my mind at least, one day is all that anyone would ever need before they choose to solely rely on the bicycle as a means of transportation for most cases.

Now, Omaha, NE is exactly a bicycle friendly city; in large-part due to traffic congestion and motor vehicles. Bike lanes would give cyclist freedom to ride in the streets, but in Omaha that isn't enough. Cyclists should come before motorists, plain and simple. I see drivers yelling at bikers and even threatening them, purely because of rode rage or some external force in their lives that is causing them to have a bad day. That is not right. Just because you people in cars are in a hurry or having a bad day, doesn't mean no one should be riding a bike and getting in your way. Have you ever thought about what kind of day the cyclist had? Maybe he/she had a terrible day and just want to get home safely to their loved ones. And for drivers to get mad at cyclists, is completely and 100% unfair. Drivers are enclosed in a metal vehicle, and cyclists are left to defend themselves with their feet, hands, and maybe a pedal wrench. Drivers that swerve to show cyclists they mean business-I would fight anyone of you, hands down, in defense of any cyclist. A lot of people driving cars feel like they have more power than those who are riding bikes. But truly, cyclists have the upper hand. If a motorist wants to hit someone on a bike, they face serious penalties, or at least they should.. fuckers.

But back to main thesis, transportation. It really comes down to the individuals who have bicycles. They behold the power to use their bikes and fight against raising gas prices, and fight against reckless drivers, and overall "The Man" who gets us down every day. So, if you own a bike, RIDE IT! Besides the cost of the bike itself, and the food you need to eat to fuel your body with energy to ride, its $0.00g. You can ride past the gas station every day of the year, if you really wanted to. I've done it, and so have countless other cyclists. So get up, and ride your bike. It will benefit you immediately, your wallet after a couple of rides, and your community by setting an example to your fellow citizens of Omaha. Its hilly out there, but with the correct planning and the right kind of attitude it can be done! Don't let laziness cost you hundreds of dollars in gas totals; Ride your bike, get healthy, and use your saved cash to do something nice for yourself. Hey, you might even fall in love with cycling and buy yourself some new goodies or even a new bike!

Song of the Day: Aquemini by Outkast


1 comment:

  1. Well written...I would like to get a $0.00 sticker! You represent the essence of a true cyclist...ride on!
